Delaware County Emergency Youth Academy

Mission Statement
The Mission of Delaware County Emergency Youth Academy is to provide and promote safety and wellbeing for youth at risk for abuse, neglect and delinquency. The goal is to assist youth in achieving their dream for a better life for them and their family through quality service delivery.
Program Information
Delaware County Emergency Youth Academy is a licensed Residential, Community Based Provider by the Department of Human Services, Office of Children, Youth and Families. Delaware County Emergency Youth Academy is licensed in one location in Chester, PA. 19013 .
Delaware County Emergency Youth Academy’s mission is to provide and promote safety and well-being for youth at risk for abuse, neglect and assist youth in achieving their dream for a better life for them and their family through quality service delivery.

Program Model and Services
Delaware County Emergency Youth Academy serves youth who are involved with the public children and youth agencies, due to safety issues and neglect identified by the county children and youth agencies. These may not be adjudicated dependent yet as the Academy is an emergency shelter. Youth that are accepted for service receive emergency placement services in a certified shelter program.
The program adheres to applicable federal, state and county regulatory and contractual requirements.
Delaware County Emergency Youth Academy will actively monitor youth safety while in the placement setting. Services are provided to ensure the safety of the youth and assist them as they transition to their longer-term placement setting. The Academy will work collaboratively with the county children and youth agencies in planning for the youth, this may include completing an Individual Service plan if the youth is at the Academy for longer than 30 days.
Delaware County Emergency Youth Academy utilizes strength based and trauma informed frameworks in service delivery. Strengths-based services begin with an understanding of the strengths inherent in all youth and families. The family’s culture, traditions and values are respected. These strengths and values are incorporated into all aspects of service delivery.
Program Objectives
To provide appropriately trained staff to provide a safe environment for youth while at the Academy.

To support youth in ways that will assist in the development of their emotional and physical well-being.

To provide appropriately trained staff to provide a safe environment for youth while at the Academy.

To assist the youth intheir transition to a longer-term placement or in their returning home to family.
Youth Served
Delaware County Emergency Youth Academy serves youth who are either adjudicated dependent or have a Voluntary Placement Agreement with the County Children and Youth Agency due to safety issues that would require the youth to longer remain at home. Youth, both male and female ages 12 to 18 years of age along with youth who identify as LGBTQ +. Delaware County Emergency Youth Academy is able to serve up to 24 youth at a time.